Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Made in Cheverly: Pat Nelson

Pat Nelson is someone you want to know. An active community member, she's one of the people that make Cheverly Day run, having been the driving force behind the Midway for years, in addition to designing our annual Cheverly Day t-shirt. Pat is also an accomplished artist who will be showing her watercolors as part of the Cheverly Day 2012 Art Show. Here, Pat tells us what "Made in Cheverly" means to her:

What “Made in Cheverly, USA” means to me: 

In December of 2003, at a fork in the road of my life, I came to Cheverly for a visit with my daughter, Tammie, as an extended stopover on my way to Florida. With only a suitcase of summer clothes and all of my belongings in storage in New Jersey, I camped out in Tammie’s basement and was quickly drawn into the essence of Cheverly.  The beauty of both the town and the people who live here soon made me become “the guest that never left”. I had never really been a joiner but found myself participating in many of the groups and organizations here in town. I now have more friends and acquaintances here, than in every other place I have lived in my adult life, all added together.

After living in Tammie’s basement for two years, I finally became an official resident and bought the house next door, because I decided that the fork in the road had led me to the place I wanted to stay. I love living right next door. My children grew up in the same town as their grandparents. After my kids got older and moved off to places far away, I always envied the everyday relationship my parents had had with their grandchildren, something I did not see in my future. But here I am, watching my grandchildren grow up and being a part of their lives. This is something I truly cherish about living here.  

So in reverse, I have followed one of the legacies of Cheverly, generations (literally) living side by side. I have become a part of Cheverly and Cheverly has become a part of me. What is made in Cheverly? Friends, families, and a wonderful environment of community spirit and togetherness.  

Thank you, Pat. We love the fact that Cheverly is home to generations of families -- and friends. And we know how lucky we are to have you making "Made in Cheverly" mean something truly special.

What about you? What does "Made in Cheverly" mean to you? We want to know!

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