Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What does "Made in Cheverly" mean to you?

Kelly Fisher, known to many in Cheverly through her yoga practice her music has a wonderful take on our question, "What does 'Made in Cheverly' mean to you?" -- read on to find out how she celebrates this very special community.

Cheverly in springtime reminds me of the shire. Everything is so green and when the azaleas and dogwoods bloom it is a sight to behold. For nine years I have had the honor of teaching yoga classes here in Cheverly. It began as one all-levels class per week and has grown into six classes per week, beginner to more seasoned practitioner. It is fulfilling to see a student stand on her hands when she never even imagined that was something to do. (Don't worry, that does not happen in the beginner classes!)  It is equally fulfilling to see the smiles on people's faces at the end of class after a particularly satisfying deep relaxation pose.

And I must say, the sense of community is inspiring. This was one of the things that drew my husband and I to Cheverly in the first place. It is convenient to DC, livable, and neighbors talk to each other. I love that about my street and I love that about my yoga students. Many students walk to class and over the years have made good friends with each other. The yogis who joined me in the parade celebrating Cheverly's 80th birthday last year formed a real bond as we developed our ideas for the spectacle and then marched together.

So, "Made in Cheverly" to me means coming together to celebrate each person's unique talents. We practice yoga to reduce stress and better integrate body, mind, and heart, and that can assist anyone to feel more creative in pursuing their own interests. Made in Cheverly is the wealth of human resource we have to come together to live meaningful lives, participating in community activities like the Cheverly Community Garden or the Cheverly Community Market, and of course Cheverly Day.

Thanks, Kelly! We agree 100%. What's your take? What does "Made in Cheverly" mean to you? We'd love to include take on this ongoing conversation here on the blog.

Kelly Fisher, E-RYT 500, has been teaching yoga for over ten years.  She holds classes at the Cheverly United Methodist Church as well as in Capitol Hill and Silver Spring.  You can find her on the web at Wildflower Yoga.

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