Monday, December 14, 2015

Help us make this year's party even nicer!

Celebrated cook, food writer, and editor Ruth Reichl said, “Ask people to pitch in – hand them a spoon and ask them to stir. Doing things together, having everyone help, makes for a nicer party.” She’s right: the more people get involved, the better the party. During this season of gatherings, we’re asking you to get involved with Cheverly Day 2016. On May 21, we’re celebrating the 85th anniversary of our community, and we need you!

Are you a member of a community group? A marching band? A theatrical troupe? Join in our parade – we want your floats, your marchers, your musicians…let’s make this year’s parade the best yet. The parade application will be available on our website after the first of the year. We’re also looking for corporate sponsors, community donations, and advertisers – all make a huge difference in defraying the costs of bringing this major community event to life every year. Visit our website to learn how you can lend your financial support…and thanks!

Finally, we always need volunteers to plan and carry out this big event. Have ideas for new activities? Want to help us with community groups, musicians, food, publicity, or any other aspect? We want you! Join the Cheverly Day Committee – we meet monthly and we’re always looking for fresh ideas.

Join the Cheverly Day party and lend a hand – we’re looking forward to sharing this great celebration with the entire community. Email to get involved, and visit our website for links to our Facebook, blog and Twitter, and all the latest news on all things Cheverly Day 2016!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Only six months away!

Cheverly Day 2016 is just a little over six months away! Join your friends, family, and neighbors on Saturday, May 21, to celebrate 85 years of life in Cheverly. We’ll have a parade, great music, food and drink, fireworks, and loads of activities and attractions sure to please!

We’ve come a long way from 1931 – an era of tremendous challenge and sacrifice, but also a time of people working together in communities. We enjoyed the music of Cab Calloway, Kate Smith, and Guy Lombardo, and movies by Charlie Chaplin and Bela Lugosi. Did you know that The Star Spangled Banner became the official National Anthem of the United States in 1931? The first Donald Duck cartoon and Dick Tracy comic launched that same year, and the Empire State Building and George Washington Bridge in New York opened. Lou Gehrig played his 1,000th baseball game. Babe Ruth hit his 600th home run. And Cheverly, Maryland, was incorporated on April 18, 1931.

We’re looking forward to sharing Cheverly’s 85th anniversary with the entire community, and we need your help. Start planning those parade floats and entries now! Want to get involved in planning the big event? We’d love to have your input. Email to lend your support. Of course, visit our website for the latest news on all things Cheverly Day 2016!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Thursday, May 21, 2015

When is Cheverly Day 2016?

It hasn't even been a week yet, but we've already been asked about the date for our 85th Anniversary Celebration. Mark your calendar for Saturday, May 21, 2016! 

Look back at our 80th Anniversary Parade and Cheverly Day 2011 here, and start planning your float or contribution to the big event! We'll also be looking for lots of volunteers to help with all aspects of Cheverly Day 2016...visit with us at Cheverly Community Market on May 31 to find out how you can get involved.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Thank you to EVERYONE who came out for Cheverly Day 2015!

We've posted photos from a wonderful Cheverly Day 2015 here.
UPDATE: Photos from CHVRun 2015 are now posted to this album, too!

Did you know that 2016 marks the 85th anniversary of our town? We'll celebrate with a big parade and pull out all the stops for Cheverly Day 2016...start thinking about next year's parade and 85th Anniversary celebration, and visit us at Cheverly Community Market on Saturday, May 30, to find out how you can get involved!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Thank you!

Thanks to everyone who came out for Cheverly Day 2015! Even though the afternoon had some rain, we still got to enjoy fireworks with everyone at the end of the day...and what great fireworks we had!

Thanks again to Joseph Smith & Sons for their sponsorship of Cheverly Day 2015 fireworks!

Wer will be posting photos from the entire day soon, but for now, enjoy a taste of what we saw last night...and start thinking about the 2016 parade!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Is it going to rain? Maybe.

Hey CheverlyDay people -- Wendy get some rain. If we do, please proceed into the Community Center until the storm passes. Thank you!

East Side Wins!

Congratulations to the East Side for winning the 2015 East vs. West Softball Game!

Make sure to visit the gym and cheer on the 3 on 3 Tourney, too!

Location:Forest Rd,Cheverly,United States

It's Cheverly Day!

Nothing like the finale from last year's fireworks to start off Cheverly Day 2015!
We can't wait to share the whole day with you! Catch us on Twitter and share your tweets with everyone by including #CheverlyDay. Get the full schedule here (they're posted throughout Town Park, too)

There's so much to do today, and we're looking forward to every moment. Hop on our Cheverly Day Circulator Bus, and we'll see you at Town Park!

Friday, May 15, 2015

A Message from Mayor Mike Callahan


Welcome to Cheverly Day 2015! It is my sincerest hope that each and every Cheverly resident comes by Town Park on May16th to say "Hello" to their neighbors and meet new friends.

And why wouldn't you? Once again the Cheverly Day Committee has provided us with a wonderful line-up of activities for people of all ages. We have a tremendous line-up of musicians to providing great entertainment throughout the day. Children of all ages will love the Mid-Way, Miniature Golf Course, Laser Tag, Dunk Tank and the Ping Pong Ball Flume. Adults will have the opportunity to play Softball, Corn Hole, Horseshoes, FoosBall and of course, stop and socialize in the Beer Garden.

There should be a moratorium on "home cooking" throughout town -- eat at Town Park and feast on the great food choices available. Old standards like Good Times Catering, Funnel Cakes and Simple Pleasures Ice Cream will be joined by the Crab Cab, Chez Adilmos, SOL Mexicangrill, and Cheverly's own Unforgettable Flavors. 

This year we look to improve the Cheverly Day Public Transit System, as buses will be circulating throughout town bringing people to and from the park from 2pm to 6pm. And of course the Fireworks! So please come join us as we celebrate living in Cheverly.

Finally, please join me in celebrating our Mayor’s Awardees for 2015: Luanne Smith and Oliver Greaves. Take a moment to thank Luanne Smith (Volunteer of the Year) for all of her efforts to support the Boys and Girls Club and especially women's softball for over 20 years, and Oliver Greaves (Jack Wheat Award) for 21 years of service to Cheverly in the Public Works Department. 

See you at Cheverly Day 2015!
Mayor Mike Callahan

A BIG Thank You!

We are grateful to many, many people, organizations, and companies for making Cheverly Day 2015 a terrific celebration of this community. Please join us in thanking everyone!

Cheverly Day is TOMORROW!

Don't miss a thing! Large schedules will be posted at the Community Center and the Tennis Court at Town Park. We look forward to sharing a spectacular Cheverly Day 2015 with you! Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter throughout the day, and include #CheverlyDay in your tweets to share your experience!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Cheverly's First Yarn Bombing!

Cheverly's first-ever Yarn Bombing Installation is up... See it on Saturday at Cheverly Day!

In collaboration with the Cheverly Garden Club, Cheverly knitters led by Kathryn Andrews have contributed hand knit pieces that span three panels on the Tennis Court fence at Town Park.  Flowers have been planted in the pockets, courtesy of the Cheverly Garden Club. Many thanks to Cheverly West for sponsoring this art work. We hope to expand on it next year, so if you are interested in getting involved, please contact Kathryn.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Keeping Cheverly Day Wild!

Visit the Games page at Cheverly for the complete lineup of fun & games we have in store!

Step right up, step right up!

The Dunk Tank was a HUGE success last year, so we're thrilled that CHVList has resurrected it for Cheverly Day 2015. Some of your favorite Cheverly personalities from last year have graciously agreed to get dunked, as well as a few wonderful additions. Break open those piggy banks, raid the change's DUNK TANK TIME! One ticket gets you three balls. Tickets are $1 each and available at the Midway.
2:00-2:30pm MJ Coolen  
2:30-3:00pm Kimberly Stringer 
3:00-3:30pm Paul Andrews 
3:30-4:00pm Micah Watson  
4:00-4:30pm Jen Eldridge 
4:30-5:00pm RJ Eldridge  
5:00-5:30pm Megan Daly 
5:30-6:00pm Mayor Mike Callahan
Many thanks to these eight foolish brave souls! Our advice: practice your aim in the next few days...or hire a softball or baseball player and choose your dunkee!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Get to Cheverly Day in Style this Year!

From 2pm until 6pm, we are offering FREE circulator service to 13 locations in town -- just look for the BUS STOP signs! 

We are grateful to Dimensions Healthcare Systems & Pepco for sponsoring the Cheverly Day buses for a second year!

Route 1
·      Town Park
·      CUMC
·      Spellman
·      Foulger-Pratt Office (6407 Landover Road)
·      57th Street - NPS Homes Belleview @ Kilmer
·      Greenleaf @ Crest
·      Euclid @ Crest (Cheverly Pool)
·      Carlyle @ 59th Place
·      Lake @ Benton
·      Euclid @ Lake
·      CUMC
·      Town Park

Route 2
·      Town Park
·      CUMC
·      Spellman
·      Belleview @ Kilmer
·      Greenleaf @ Crest
·      Euclid @ Crest (Cheverly Pool)
·      Carlyle @ 59th Place
·      Lake @ Benton
·      Euclid @ Lake
·      Boyd Park (State @ 64th Avenue)
·      CUMC

·      Town Park