Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Countdown: Day 18 -- We thank our sponsors and advertisers!

Many thanks to our Cheverly Day 2013 sponsors and advertisers. We are so grateful for your generosity.  Please show your support for these generous people and organizations -- thank them on Cheverly Day!

Kathryn Andrews Photography & Graphic Design
Carol Barthel and Dennis Gallagher
Harold Belcher
Mike & Peggy Callahan
Cheverly Community Market
Cheverly Homemakers Club
Cheverly Parents Resource Center
Cheverly Self Storage
Cheverly Soccer Club
Cheverly Swim & Racquet Club
Cheverly Weekday Nursery/Mother's Day Out
Al Dwyer
Pauline Eby
Jock Friar
Charles E. Gardenhour & Ann C. Gardenhour
David H. Hofstad
Megan Kemble
Hilarie Laing
John McGuirk
Robert Nicholson
Norm Oslik and Madeleine Golde
Susan Pruden
Sophia Riazi & Family
St. Ambrose Catholic Church
Lucille Vendemia, Luanne & Neal Smith in honor of Ralph (Junior) Vendemia
Walking in Rhythm Pet Services
Wildflower Yoga

There's still time to advertise with us or make a generous donation.  Interested in becoming a sponsor? Please email Micah Watson or make a donation online via Paypal. And learn about advertising on our website or blog here.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Countdown to Cheverly Day: 19 Days Left!

Today, with just 19 days to go until Cheverly Day, we celebrate a Cheverly tradition: Cheverly Community Market. The Market has been a seasonal gathering spot in town since 2007. They've grown from just four vendors to nearly 30, in addition to music and community groups, and they open their 2013 season this Saturday. Get all the details on their website, and keep up with all the activity via the blog as the Market opens for the season.
The idea behind this year's Cheverly Day -- Homegrown in Cheverly -- came about as a result of our partnership this year. Cheverly Day will kick off at CHeverly Community Market on May 18 -- come to the upper lot at the Community Center, listen to great local music, stock up on local food and art, and spend the morning with your friends and neighbors. We're proud to join the Cheverly Community Market this Cheverly Day! 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Countdown to Cheverly Day: Funnel Cakes!

Twenty days to go...we're proclaiming our love for funnel cakes today!
There is no way funnel cakes should taste as good as they do. A flavorless batter poured into hot oil? Meh. But theres this amazing alchemy that happens when confectioners sugar hits that hot, crunchy, squiggly circle or fried dough -- its magic, a thing that many childhood memories are made of. We can't really explain it, but we certainly do enjoy it (and, judging by the long lines that usually accompany the funnel cake tent, so do you)!
According to Wikipedia, funnel cake was originally associated with the Pennsylvania Dutch region. There are similar dishes in Austrian, Slovenian, Finnish, and Indian cuisine. A 6" round funnel cake -- minus toppings (some people top funnel cakes with jam, nutella, cinnamon, or fresh fruit in addition to traditional powdered sugar) -- has fewer than 300 calories. Most funnel cakes are closer to 9", and, in any event, perhaps enjoying this treat isn't really the time to be counting calories!

We hope you enjoy funnel cakes -- and all the other delicious special treats -- at Cheverly Day on May 18!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Countdown to Cheverly Day: 21 Days to go!

We are just three weeks from the biggest celebration of the year in Cheverly! Today, we're celebrating the people of Cheverly Day -- it's one of the best opportunities you'll get for people watching around here. So think of today as a love letter to all the people who come out and enjoy spectacular Cheverly Day celebrations each year...we can't wait to see you on May 18!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Countdown to Cheverly Day: The neighbors!

We all love spending the day at Town Park -- from CHVProm on Friday night all the way through the fireworks on Saturday night, the area is a flurry of activity. With just 22 days left until the big event, we asked some of the people closest to the action -- Town Park's next-door neighbors -- about their Cheverly Day experience. Thanks to Jim Allegro for sharing his thoughts -- and to all the neighbors of Cheverly Day (and all the other events that take place at Town Park) for being such good sports every year!

What is your favorite thing about Cheverly Day? I love that we have a caring neighborhood Community….not every small town does.  Our community is rich in diversity and there is a genuine pride of place.  It is a hometown.

What's your best/weirdest/most interesting Cheverly Day-related story? I will say that they have begun to blend together a bit since we’ve been Cheverly for almost 20 years now, but I thought the rainstorm two years ago was fun. We had bunch of scrambling fireworks voyeurs descend upon our back yard to escape the downpour that occurred two minutes into the fireworks.  

What has been your favorite Cheverly Day? We love them all, particularly the fireworks. The parade years are always good fun.

Anything else you'd like to say? Thank you to all the Cheverly Day volunteers who make this day a special event for the rest!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Countdown to Cheverly Day 2013: 3 on 3 Basketball Tourney

With just 23 days to go, we set our sites on the 3 on 3 Basketball Tourney as we continue our celebration of all things Cheverly Day!
Cheverly Day has many friendly competitions going on. From best table decorations at CHVProm to Cicada Crunch, horseshoes, laser tag, and softball, there are a lot of opportunities to get together for a little friendly battle. The most competitive may be the annual 3 on 3 Basketball Tourney, sponsored by the Cheverly Police Department. The kids who participate in this event are serious. If you haven't spent some time watching, make sure to visit the Community Center Gym this Cheverly Day  -- the first game begins at 11:30am. You'll see some impressive skills and a lot of people really enjoying themselves. 
And if YOU are a basketball player, there's still time to get your team together. Get all the details on our website. See you in the gym on Cheverly Day!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Countdown to Cheverly Day: Table Decorating at CHVProm

Over the years, the CHVProm table decorating contest has become a serious competitive event. There are people in this town who spend many, many hours planning and executing weird, fantastic, wonderfully creative themed tables. Over the years, we've seen aquariums, tributes to James Bond (and naked golden mannequins being hoisted over the dance floor), flamingoes...the list goes on and on.
The couple behind some of our all-time favorite tables (and multi-year award winners), Dave & Casey Kneipp, were kind enough to answer a few questions for us about what goes into making a truly spectacular -- and possibly prize-winning -- CHVProm table...
  • What goes into making a truly great CHVProm table?  An attention-grabbing theme is a must, something current or iconic like Cherry Blossoms or James Bond. Have a WOW factor, such as a full size golden mannequin or 3’ tall lighted tank with live fish. Pyrotechnics are frowned upon, save those for the next day, please. It is good to have esprit de corps amongst the table members, dressing up to supplement the theme, costuming fellow table attendees in matching outfits (togas, tuxes). Remember the small details; accouterments that complement the motif (squirt guns, paper parasols). Do not forget to include appropriate barware for your beverage of choice in your plan. Gift bags for your table guests or as bribes for the judges. 
  • Any advice for first-time table decorators?   Have fun with it, it is after all a prom, and we are on parade! 
  • Without giving away your plans for this year (or next), anything that you haven't done yet that you'd love to pull off in the future?   Thinking ahead to next year,....we’re contemplating Game of Thrones....may haps toilets on wheels? 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Countdown to Cheverly Day: Magic!

With just 25 days left until the best day in Cheverly, we celebrate our entertainers -- we cover the gamut: rock, salsa, jazz, blues, even classical this year. And we're very fortunate to bring you something really special again this year -- magic. Today, we focus on Cheverly's very own magician, Charles Hutchinson
Magician Charles Hutchinson has been practicing magic and performing professionally for several years -- he's just 18! You may remember Charles' excellent performance at Cheverly Day in 2012. He also performs at birthday parties, educational events, and holiday functions. Charles was honored to perform for for military families at Fort Belvoir in 2011. Charles will be on the stage from 2:30 to 3:30pm this Cheverly Day. Make sure to see his show -- he's very talented! 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Countdown to Cheverly Day: Face Painting!

With just 26 days until Cheverly Day...today we celebrate FACE PAINTING!
 We love watching the kids -- we've seen toddlers all the way through teens -- undergo transformations into leopards, or butterflies, or, well...just about anything!
 Face painting seems to bring out something absolutely lovely in everyone, and no one is too mature to join in!
 Make sure to bring your kids to the Community Group area in the upper parking lot for face painting this Cheverly Day. I bet that, if you ask nicely, the very talented face painters may even agree to paint YOUR face!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Countdown to Cheverly Day: Festival Food!

The smell of the pit beef smoke wafting over the crowds at Cheverly Day...fresh, tart lemonade, crunchy, hot fries, juicy burgers, the joy of a kid sampling their first cotton candy...this is classic festival and fair food, and we're very happy to have Good Times Catering with us again this year!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Countdown to Cheverly Day: Cicada Crunch

We love the big annual race through Cheverly -- Cicada Crunch. This year, with the hatching of Brood II, we may be crunching actual cicadas...and who knows? Some of you may end up with the bugs on your shoulders, acting as mini hitchhikers and cheerleaders  :)

All kidding aside, it is great to see so many people participating in a community activity. From local elite runners to those that are just starting, from to children in strollers to those that are well past retirement, Cicada Crunch is a life- and community-affirming event.

We asked race organizer Glen Barton a few questions about Cicada Crunch and his involvement...

What is Cicada Crunch? How many years has it gone on?  The Cicada Crunch is a 5k Race and and a 2k fun run/walk that takes place on Cheverly Day. The Cicada Crunch started in 2005 -- the year of the Cicada Brood X. Each year the proceeds from the race go to a charity organization to benefit physical, mental or educational well being.

Tell us a little about this year's route. Why did it change?  Due to all of the activities happening on Cheverly Day, the race route has changed this year. We will be starting the race at Legion Park and finishing on Forest Road in front of the town hall. Parking for race participants will be at the CUMC parking lot.

How did you get involved in Cicada Crunch?  As part of the Cheverly Day committee, I volunteered to coordinate the Cicada Crunch for a number of reasons. First and foremost is to bring our neighbors together to to celebrate the great town we live in and to get people out to enjoy a healthy event. Additionally, since I am also on the CHVProm committee the thought of getting up and running a 5K the morning after CHVProm is just inconceivable! (Ed Note: We're amazed that organizing the race would seem like an easier alternative...impressive, Glen!)

Have any good tips for runners? Cheverly is full of hills and our race route includes some good-sized ones. Make sure you stretch well before you start and take advantage of the waterstations along the route to hydrate. Most importantly, come out and have fun.

There's still time to register for Cicada Crunch 2013. 
Visit our website for maps and more information...and we'll see you at Cicada Crunch!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Countdown to Cheverly Day 2013: Dancing!

We love to see people dancing at Cheverly Day! 
 From the oldest...
 to the youngest...
It's wonderful and life-affirming to watch our friends and neighbors let go and enjoy entertainment at Cheverly Day! And our musicians love it, too. It really is gratifying to them when people demonstrate their enjoyment so clearly. 
We hope to see YOU dancing this Cheverly Day!

For a complete schedule of the great entertainment we have lined up for May 18, visit our website!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Countdown to Cheverly Day 2013: The T-Shirt!

Every day from now -- exactly one month out from Cheverly Day -- through May 18, we'll be highlighting something that celebrates an aspect of Cheverly Day. Visit every day and learn about all the things that go into this spectacular annual celebration. We love them all!

We are thrilled to unveil the Cheverly Day 2013 tee -- an homage to a favorite vintage New Yorker cover depicting Cheverly! Designed by Cheverly artist Pat Nelson, the shirts are white cotton and include "Cheverly -- the best place on Earth". They'll be available at the Midway on Cheverly Day...just $12!

We asked Pat a few questions about her t-shirt designs over the years...
What inspired your design this year? My inspiration this year came from a conversation at our table at the Sweetheart Dance on what a wonderful town we have. Tina Powell brought up the subject of Saul Steinberg's 1976 cover of the New Yorker magazine showing the insignificance of the rest of the world in reference to New York City and an idea was born. I decided to do my own version of it, looking west from Cheverly.

How many Cheverly Day tees have you designed?  I got involved in Cheverly Day the year I moved here from NJ in 2003 and have been creating the tee shirt designs starting in 2004 honoring our visitor that year, the cicada. Starting that year we decided to give each Cheverly Day a theme and I have tried to design the tees to represent the theme of the day. In 2005 it was "Wildlife in Cheverly" and the tee pictured a variation of our town seal with a beaver gnawing on a felled tree at One Cheverly Circle. 2006 was fireworks on our 75th Anniversary, 2007depicted our beautiful trees, 2008 highlighted our 36 organizations and social groups, 2009 a map of a historic walk thru Cheverly, 2010 the environment with Kermit the frog telling us "it IS easy being green", 2011 another anniversary shirt, 2012 honoring our many talented artists and crafters and this year, a way to show that Cheverly is indeed the best place on earth.

What's your favorite Cheverly Day tee so far?  I think from a design veiwpoint, my favorite shirt is 2007 picturing our trees and trail thru Woodworth Park. Our best seller was Kermit the Frog with a close second on the 75th anniversary shirt depicting our great fireworks. Both years totally sold out.

What goes into making a good design for a Cheverly Day tee? Anything you try to avoid or make sure you include? A good design graphically highlights the year's theme without having to state it in words. Choosing a shirt color to enhance the design is a consideration too, although most people seem to prefer black. This year's artwork will look best on white, I am hoping that will not discourage sales. I always include the year and somewhere on the shirt, a cicada, reminding us that brood X will return.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

CHVProm Tickets are on sale NOW!

UPDATE: We hear from the CHVProm Committee that tickets are nearly SOLD OUT! If you want to join in the fun, get your tickets today!!
Get your tickets for Cheverly's best party of the year! Tickets are on sale at the Community Center during regular business hours, or you can purchase a table directly from committee member Glen Barton
Individual tickets: $15 per person
Table (12 tickets): $180. 
All table reservations must be made with a payment!

Get all the latest CHVProm news. Visit our website or follow us on Twitter! Bring your cameras, tweet the night (use #CHVProm) and share this event with the world!

CHVProm is pot luck and BYOB. The Committee provides one keg of beer, drink mixers and an assortment of non-alcoholic beverages. Food assignments will be made by last name.

A-E Savory Meat
F-J Dessert
K-O Cold Dishes/Cheese
P-Z Savory Vegetarian

We're welcoming a new band this year, Great Escape! Great Escape specializes in dance music of the '60s through today, so get those dancing shoes spiffed up!
See you on the dance floor at CHVProm!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Become a Sponsor!

We are very excited to announce that, for the first time ever, you can make a donation to Cheverly Day online via Paypal! Your contribution will go to support all the festivities that we all enjoy at this great annual event, so you're serving everyone in the community while contributing to something you love. 

We hope you'll show your support by making a generous contribution today! And thank you!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013